Plaintiff claimed to have sustained a herniated disk in his cervical spine and an occipital nerve injury Result: Verdict for Defendant
Archive | Case Results in North Florida
Turpen v. Goodyear
Defendant’s truck and Plaintiff’s vehicle collided in a turn lane. Plaintiff suffered a fractured collar bone and alleged cognitive deficits Result: Jury found Plaintiff 90% at fault and awarded $3,500.00.
Estate of Ray v. Estate of Spear
3 vehicle accident. Plaintiff’s estate sought damages against two Defendants for the wrongful death of their daughter. Result: Verdict for Defendant
Hall v. Caps Marine
Plaintiff was a fire chief who claimed to have sustained a permanent and disabling injury to his knee when a boat ladder malfunctioned Result: Verdict for Defendant
Hartley v. Love & Brady
Plaintiff was an inmate who sued 2 correctional officers for civil rights violations related to mental and physical injuries suffered from alleged assault. Result: Verdict for Defendant